Tom Trimmins Woodwork
Make a picture frame in oak and walnut
Intense Joinery Action

Let me tell you about it

No workbench required - sit at any table, counter or desk
Video tutorials guide you through the project step by step
High quality wood, selected and machined by me
Uses only common hand tools, available via my tool shop
Work at your own pace, whenever and wherever you like
Access refill packs to make your project again and again
What else will I need?
tools and equipment

You can get all the hand tools for this project that are mentioned here in my tool shop. If you have done the Lap Joint Box project kit or Dovetail Tray project kit then you probably already have most of the tools required. If you don't have any tools yet, I'd suggest getting Recommended Tool Set 2.

You will need:

- 18mm or 24mm wide chisel. This must be sharp - either size will work with this kit.

- Small saw. With fine teeth and stiffening spine, such as a small dozuki.

- Japanese marking knife or Stanley knife.

- Small hammer. Somewhere around 115-200 grams, like any of the ones I sell.

- Cordless drill. I will send you the correct drill bits with your kit.

- Countersink. 10mm diameter. Snail/deburring type – other types don't cut as cleanly.

- Screwdriver. The screws supplied need a Pozidrive size two screwdriver (or screwdriver bit and holder to go in your drill). Used for making a bench hook if you haven't got one.

- Wood glue. Titebond 3 - I've been using it for years, it always works and it dries the same colour as the wood. If you can't get it, any kind of PVA will work.

- Bench hook. If you need one, a kit is available on my website.

- Awl. For easy marking of accurate points to drill, I've imported just the right one from Japan for you.

- Marking gauge. Wheel type or traditional cutting gauge (with a blade not a pin). Again, I've sourced a nice one for you.

- Ruler 300mm long. There is lots of accurate measuring needed so a decent ruler makes life easy. 

- 200mm capacity clamps, four of them.

- Mallet – either a small wooden one (such as the one made in my joinery class) or a 400 gram plastic faced one.

- Oil for finishing. I used Rubio Monocoat pure oil-this is included free with the first 50 kits and is provided by Rubio.

Nice to have, but not absolutely essential:

- 6mm chisel, for cleaning the inside of the joints, gives the best result.

- Hand crank drill. It's nice for drilling the 2mm dowels.

- Tool roll or box to keep your tools in good condition.

Nice to have
Complete your tool set

If you dont have a bench hook
get one of these kits too